| Keywords | | Description | |
CP HI Internet Survey | |
| Footer | | The footer of the survey | |
| Introduction | | | |
| Section 1 | | Pre Event questions heading | |
| Section 2 | | Event Experience heading | |
| Survey Title | | | |
| Website | | Holiday Inn website | |
System | |
| Ages | | The Age Brackets available for selection | |
| Help | | The Help file location for this instance | |
| Market Segment | | The Market Segments available for selection | |
| Nationality | | List of Permanent Residences for selection | |
| Satisfaction | | The Overall Satisfaction scale items - used if Overall Satisfaction is to be measured. This value is used to calculate the Snap Shot reports. | |
| Setup | | The URL for the Setup and Central command database for this instance | |
| Venues | | The venues for which this survey database gathers responses | |