YOURsurvey Setup

Creating a new survey is easy!! Simply complete each of the folowing steps in order, and test your survey to see how it appears. You must have your Company Details entered into the system in order to create and access new surveys. Contact TLA Software Solutions to organise the creation of new company profiles.*

Step 1 - Create A Survey Administration document
The survey administration document defines the survey key, who has access to read survey results, and what demographic and satisfaction information you wish to receive.

Step 2 - Create Survey Questions
Each question is associated with the Survey Administration document. Select from Scale or Text questions, detail the possible responses people can give, and weight their responses.

Step 3 - Create Survey Keywords
Keywords are the lists of choices that are available to respondents when they complete the demographic information you request. You can group respondents into the segments that you wish to control.

Step 4 - Create Survey Introduction
The Survey Introduction details the instructions you may wish to pass on to the survey respondents, and usually details how the response scale works.

Step 5 - Test YOURsurvey
You should always test to see how your survey comes together, and determine whether respondents will be asked all the questions you wish them to answer.

Step 6 - Distribute YOURsurvey!!
Send a link to your new survey by listing email addresses in a form, and sending an email to possible respondents. Or, let them know how they can have their say, and allow them to choose which surveys they wish to complete. The choice is yours.
